Press Coverage

"79 Amazon Research Awards recipients announced"
Amazon Research Awards team, Amazon Science ,17-April-2023
"New phylogenetic tool can handle the SARS-CoV-2 data load"
K. Kumar and K. Conner, UCSD Newscenter ,22-Jun-2022
"The team behind a tree of 10 million Covid sequences"
R. Miyatsu, UCSC Newscenter ,21-Jun-2022
"A pandemic-scale phylogenetic analysis tool”
N. Mathur, News-Medical.Net ,12-Dec-2021
"How the Delta variant took over”
D. Cox, Wired ,21-Jun-2021
"UCSC's Million-COVID-Genome Tree Could be a First”
Staff, UCSC Genomics Institute news ,13-Apr-2021
Also covered by: Santa Cruz Tech Beat
"2019 Update: NVIDIA's Growing Genomics Ecosystem"
F. Foertter, NVIDIA blog ,12-Feb-2020
"Microsoft unveils genomics innovation and new partners at ASHG 2018"
G. Miller, Microsoft Industry Blogs ,15-Oct-2018
"The Future Of Biology Is Full-Stack"
J. Butler, Eclipse Ventures blog ,06-Mar-2018
"Unwinding Moore's Law from Genomics with Co-Design"
N. Hemsoth, The Next Platform ,08-Feb-2017