Turakhia Lab welcomes new members Jaden Seangmany and Qiwen Xu to the lab.
Yatish gives HPC Sync talk at
on “Algorithms, Software, and Hardware Accelerators for the Next Wave of Genomic Data”
Yatish selected as one of 100 ‘Young Scientists’ worldwide to attend and present at the
2024 WLA Forum in Shanghai, China,
an event that featured several Nobel Prize laureates and leading academics from around the world.
Turakhia Lab welcomes new members Jade Wang and Fahad Alkhazam to the lab.
Sumit Walia begins summer internship at AMD.
Pranav Gangwar passes his PhD preliminary exam. Congratulations, Pranav!
Anshu Gupta passes her PhD preliminary exam. Congratulations, Anshu!
Yingqi Cao wins ECE best undergraduate research award 2024! Congratulations, Yingqi!
Sumit Walia passes his PhD preliminary exam. Congratulations, Sumit!
Turakhia Lab wins AMD HPC fund.
Turakhia Lab welcomes new members Zexing Chen, Manu Bhat, Haochen Jiang and Arnav Saxena to the lab.
Yatish presents at SAS innovate conference.
Sumit Walia presents
HPCA 2024
and receives Best Paper Nominee.
Yatish invited to interview at TR35 Festival.
Yatish starts teaching ECE 108 Digital Circuits.
Yu-Hsiang Tseng wins the J. Yang Scholarship! Congratulations Yu-Hsiang!
Yu-Hsiang Tseng (PhD, ECE) joins the lab. Welcome Yu-Hsiang!
Anshu and Pranav wraps their summer internship at Analog Devices and Intel, respectively.
Max wraps up his summer research internship with the lab. Congratulations Max!
Max Doblas, from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) joins the lab as a visiting summer research intern. Welcome Max!
Carolyn Zhang and Girish Krishnan present their summer research project on wastewater-based epidemiology at the ECE Summer Research Internship Program (SRIP) conference.
Kyle Smith attends
ISMB 2023
in Lyon, France to present work on RIVET.
Turakhia Lab has fun day trip whale watching off the coast of San Diego!
Yatish won the Hellman Fellowship, Congratulations, Yatish!
Carolyn Zhang and Girish Krishnan join the lab. Welcome Carolyn and Girish!
Pranav Gangwar (PhD, ECE) and Jason Liang (UG, ECE) join the lab. Welcome, Pranav and Jason!
FA’22 End of Quarter Lab Dinner
Anshu Gupta (PhD, CSE) joins the lab. Welcome, Anshu!
Yatish gives a keynote talk at the NGS 2022 conference organized by the American Society for Microbiology.
Turakhia Lab joins the
team which is tracking the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in San Diego.
Turakhia Lab welcomes new members Arkid Bera, Yingqi Cao, Debabrata Chaudhury, Dhruvi Lodhavia and Harsh Motwani to the lab.
Undergraduate researchers Arthur Lu, Crystal Zou and Kevin Lie join the lab. Welcome, Arthur, Crystal and Kevin!
High school interns Vidhi Kulkarnia and Ronnie Volman join the lab for Summer 2022. Welcome, Vidhi and Ronnie!
Yatish presents an invited talk on “Pandemic-scale Phylogenetics” at the
HiCOMB 2022
Yatish starts teaching ECE 111 Advanced Digital Design Project.
Undergraduate researchers Carol Bao and Xuan Wang join the lab for Spring and Summer internships.
Turakhia Lab has a fun outing in Catalina Island during the Spring break!
Alireza Mohammadidoost (PhD, ECE) joins the lab. Welcome, Alireza!
Yatish starts teaching the graduate course ECE 284 Parallel Computing in Bioinformatics.
Yatish gives a talk on “Pandemic-scale Phylogenetics” in the CSE 290 class at UCSD.
Devika and Shoh wrap up their summer research internships. Congratulations!
Sumit Walia (PhD, ECE) and Kyle Smith (UG, Bioinformatics) join the lab. Welcome, Sumit and Kyle!
A preprint on RIPPLES, with contributions from Yatish (co-first author) and Cheng, is posted on bioRxiv.
Yatish provides a tutorial on UShER at the Bioinformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology (VEME 2021).
Yatish officially starts at UCSD as an Assistant Professor.
Yatish interviews with
The Wired
on the Delta variant.
UCSC makes an announcement about the UShER-based SARS-CoV-2 tree that just surpassed 1M genomes.
Read the press release.
Yatish gives a seminar talk on UShER for the BME 281C class at UCSC.
Zihao Kong joins the lab for research.
Devika Torvi and Shoh Mollenkamp join the lab for Spring and Summer internships.
Cheng Ye (UG, ECE) joined the lab. Welcome Cheng!